Smarter AI Chatbots for happier customers

Today’s digital-savvy customer expects answers at the click of a button. Use more intelligent customer service technology like our AI chatbots and virtual agents and make every customer interaction incredibly personal.

Customer service chatbot

Multitalented AI chatbots

AI chatbots support and empower agents with valuable information during live customer interactions.

Front line virtual agents

Customer service chatbot

The AI chatbot software in Genesys is built with the intelligence to master context and content across conversations, so the customer feels heard and understood.

Front-line virtual agents

Omnichannel intelligent virtual assistants offer personalised self-service to customers through voice or text in a natural, human-like way.

Multitalented ai chatbots

Multilingual and proactive chatbots

Genesys proactive AI chatbots are designed to be autonomous, and intelligent enough to communicate in your customer’s native language.

Intelligent conversations through a scalable engine

Transparent AI

Unlike other solutions, Genesys chatbot software is accessible and actionable, making it easy to deploy and manage.

AI chatbots and virtual agents

While other customer service chatbot software limits users to predefined scripts, Genesys delivers personalised, dynamic customer conversations.

Engage everywhere

Start with one engagement channel or eight. Genesys won’t break a sweat supporting your customers, no matter how many ways they want to interact.

Experience the future of digital engagement

Take the first step in bringing the best of AI chatbots and human support together. Request a demo of Genesys and discover how to provide your customers — and empower your employees — with what they need the first time, every time.