Genesys vs. Avaya

To be a leader, you need to work with a leader. See why analysts and users agree – Genesys provides a leading contact centre platform.

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Choose the most powerful cloud contact centre software

Powering more than 70 billion customer connections

We’ve seen great improvements in our survey ratings, customers feel more valued at the end of the call, which is a major contributor to raising our overall Net Promoter Score.

Paula Mullan, Senior Manager Contact Centre Transformation, Westpac NZ

“Across the board, Genesys provided the customer experience platform that we needed to really see PayPal move to the next level. It was a huge game changer.”

Dar Andrews, Director of Service Delivery and Engineering, PayPal

“In a world where customer service expectations are changing at lightning speed, Genesys gives us a serious competitive advantage.”

Ian Roberts, Operations Leader, Quicken Customer Care

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Move beyond Avaya and give your customers what matters most–more connected, meaningful experiences.

Get the whole story: Analyst reports and user reviews all in one bundle. Download the report bundle and get analyst reports from Gartner, Omdia, and Forrester. You’ll also get buyer review site data from G2Crowd and TrustRadius. Learn about different solution providers and find out why more companies are switching to the Genesys platform.