Connected Worlds – Mastering the Social Maze. Inspired by “The Matrix”.

In July & August, the second edition of “Bytes & Brews”: Connected Worlds – Mastering the Social Maze. Inspired by “The Matrix”, will explore the digital realities of social media, utilizing Radarr’s social listening tools to enhance customer experience across various touchpoints. Delve into presentations like “The Digital Reality: Elevating CX in the Social Media Matrix,” participate in games designed to decode customer behavior, and engage in discussions that bridge marketing with customer service. Discover how to harness AI for a unified customer view and responsive engagement strategies.

Session Highlights

  • Industry Analyst Presentation: “The Digital Reality: Elevating CX in the Social Media Matrix”
  • Fireside Chat: Insights from leaders in sophisticated social media strategies
  • Interactive Games: Are you up for the “Pathfinder Challenge”?

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