Across industries, customers are the source of revenue and profitability. This is clearly true for retail and financial service organisations, but it’s also equally true for healthcare where patients and providers have needs that must be met to achieve corporate objectives. Customer experience (CX) managers from across functional business areas such as customer service, marketing, sales and operations are all looking for proof that the customer marketing strategies they use are working. The only way to do so is through data.


“Without data, you’re just another person with an opinion.”
– W. Edwards Deming


The Evolution of Consumer Insights Analytics

The application of analytics to data to understand customers is the essence of customer analytics. It involves collecting, analysing and interpreting data where the unit of measurement is the customer.

Basic customer analytics answers these questions:

  1.   How many customers did I have yesterday?
  2.   How many customers do I have today?

Customer analytics today extends well beyond these basic metrics to uncover behaviour patterns and motivations. And several factors are driving this evolution.

More Data Volume

Our systems can store and work with more data than ever before. Bringing a wider perspective into behaviour means incorporating data at rest (behaviour that has happened where the outcome is known, such as a purchase made a month ago) and data in motion (service interactions, web interactions, mobile app use, social).

This broad behaviour perspective provides the means to assess the past, measure the present and predict the future. By leveraging advanced analytics, businesses can move from reactive decision-making to proactive strategies, helping to ensure better customer engagement and retention.

More Data Variety

Historically, businesses relied on surveys and market research to understand customer emotions and intent. The advent of digital data has revolutionised this approach, making it possible to extract sentiment from social media and transcripts as interactions are happening.

Ad hoc, scheduled consumer insights research is supplemented and sometimes replaced with transactional, one-question measures such as Net Promoter Score (NPS), journey effort or customer satisfaction (CSAT) captured in the moment. With artificial intelligence (AI), it’s easier than ever to build a multidimensional customer view that brings together behaviour, motivation and profiles from a wide variety of customer data sources.

Customer Analytics Unleashed

Organisations gather data through multiple channels, including social media, website interactions, surveys and CRM systems. Unfortunately, these sources are often used in various functional silos.

CX managers from customer support are using the data they collect during product and service interactions. Marketing managers are looking at data captured throughout marketing efforts — from acquisition through to engagement. Sales is looking at customer growth and retention and operations is looking at customer costs.

But to remain competitive in the experience economy, companies must move away from these data silos and think holistically. We’re awash in data that our systems of record (CRM) and systems of engagement (i.e., the Genesys Cloud™ platform) capture. But even with the wealth of data within our many systems, we’re struggling to understand customer behaviour with enough clarity to make better decisions.

Our asks have evolved from basic questions that could be answered through simple counts from a single source to questions that require more sophisticated analysis across multiple sources:

  1. Given how many customers I have today, how many customers will I have tomorrow? What behaviour patterns signal interest, engagement or disengagement?
  2. What customer characteristics belong to my VIPs? Do these VIPs behave differently across my channels? Do their preferred channels mirror the rest of my customer base?
  3. Are there groups of customers that purchase more than others? Or stay with my brand longer? What are the predictors for purchase?
  4. What is my customer attrition rate? And what are the characteristics of those who stay versus those who don’t? What’s the inflection point between customer disengagement and attrition?

Bridging the CX Analytics Gap

Customer journey analytics is a specialized form of customer analytics that can help bring together data that focuses on the what — interactions, conversations, agent engagement — and who — profile, intent, outcome) and can be used to get to the why — why is self-service higher for this group of customers? Journey analytics can show us if intent is driving that behaviour. It enables the ability to measure progression through a journey and is informed by other customer analytic disciplines.

For example, journey analytics could incorporate surveys or segments as a way to qualify an outcome so analysts can measure the impact of journey complexity, journey friction and other journey features on NPS or customer segment (status, demographic group, etc.).

Skilled data analysts and data scientists are often charged with collecting data from across the organisation, including CX, and using segmentation, clustering, regression, feature selection and more to extract meaning, analyse the journey and then provide results through various BI dashboards. This is either scheduled monthly, quarterly, yearly or ad hoc.

In the meantime, the CX professionals work on optimizing their operational metrics by tweaking schedules, queue assignments, intent models and more.

Having a gap between journey analytics and optimization can create inefficiencies and room for errors for both the analyst and the CX professional. If data changes, there are additional lags where the data extraction must be adapted to new data and aggregation. And that means data pipelines have to be updated, too.

The change then must be communicated from the CX professional to the analyst who then adjusts their analysis. Similarly, issues that analysts uncover could reach the CX professional too late — behaviour patterns can change quickly and what was true a month ago may no longer be true today.

Embedded Customer Journey Analytics

For customer service professionals, and contact centres specifically, the ability to analyse data from the customer perspective has often been relegated to others — marketing, corporate analytics and other teams that are charged with managing customer analytics at the corporate level. That leaves a lot of insight on the table; this insight is critical to optimising customer journeys in right-time.

Shortening this time to insight means embedding journey analytics into the system of engagement itself. Rather than relying on sophisticated tools for getting the data out, we’re building the ability to analyse the data in place through flow and journey analysis. This is bringing the insight closer to the point of impact.

Consider the following scenarios:

Embedded Analytics

Exported Analytics

The system of engagement collects the data.

The system of engagement collects the data.

Data is prepared for analysis automatically.

Data is prepared for export, then exported.

Analysts and admins interact with data through select visualisations.

Data is imported, augmented and stitched.

Admin sees daily drop-off changes and uses insight to adjust flow for the day.

Analysts interact with data through a variety of visualisations.

Analysts find signals that prompts a deeper analysis.

Analysts identify an issue with the flow that happened 3 days ago and communicates to admin.

Data is either exported or analysed within the system, depending on need and available resources.

Admin is unsure how to address what happened 3 days ago; flow has already changed.

Embedding these analytics into the system of engagement brings the analyst, the flow designer, the workforce administrator and the executive together through data. It breaks down the barrier of time by providing more immediate access. It also breaks down data silos.

Future of Consumer Insights Analytics

AI, machine learning and real-time analytics are redefining the landscape of consumer insights. Advanced predictive modeling and AI-powered insights can enable businesses to anticipate customer needs and drive proactive engagement.

This embedded approach creates opportunities for applying advanced techniques and AI to surface actionable insights automatically and bring data stories to life using natural language. We believe the future of analytics will rely less on manual report construction and will look more like a conversation with a trusted, competent analyst that can tell a compelling, shareable data story.

The future of analytics brings a conversational layer that can:

Find an answer that fits the question based on existing content. That can be pre-configured analysis as well as analysis performed within the team.

AI can put this content into context — explain why it’s relevant and highlight any areas that are missing. This is similar to how AI works today with knowledge where it is able to look within large bodies of content and find the answer to a question within that vast network of information.

Explain the impact by giving analysts more data to build visualisations. Because of this, their analysis canvas becomes cluttered with tables and charts. They must spend time working through their dashboards, culling through the results and trying to find the meaningful differences and insights that they communicate to others.

AI can cut through that by reading the numbers and finding the connections that tell a story. That can save time and identify insight that may be hidden from the human eye. This is similar to how AI is helping organisations summarise information. Now, the summary is informed with supporting metrics making the story more powerful.

Automate analysis in real time based on a conversational prompt. Automating analysis is not a new approach. Automatic analysis produces out of the box dashboards and can be used to explain AI models and other patterns.

Automating advanced analytics techniques enables the creation of segment, clusters, predictions and other AI-enabled data. Automatic transcription with speech-and-text analytics creates sentiment analysis data and uncovers topics that can be used in analysis.

Making Analytics a Standard CX Discipline

Consumer insights analytics can be a game-changer in understanding and predicting customer behaviour. With more data, better systems and more tools for the analyst everyone can harness customer insights, including the CX professionals that are building the experiences.

No one has to wait for insight. By integrating advanced analytics into decision-making processes at the point of impact, businesses can gain a competitive edge, enhance customer experiences and drive growth in the data-driven economy.

Want to stay competitive in the experience economy by using data holistically? Read the “Practical guide to customer journey management” to learn about a three-phased approach for implementing journey management, tips to reduce time to value and details on how leading organisations are succeeding with journey management.