
Genesys and Telstra celebrate partnership milestone with more than 150 customers delivering personalised and scalable customer experiences

Through the Telstra Contact Centre Genesys Cloud offering, organisations of all sizes connect and create meaningful experiences for their customers, building trust and loyalty

Genesys®, a global leader in cloud customer experience and contact centre solutions, and Australian telecommunications and technology company, Telstra, announced they have exceeded a landmark number of 150 joint customers using Telstra Contact Centre Genesys Cloud since the launch in 2017. This was partly buoyed by the COVID-19 pandemic and the accelerated market need for flexible and scalable cloud solutions for contact centres to respond to changing customer demands and remote working.

As a Genesys partner for more than 20 years and the longest standing Cloud Reseller in Australia and New Zealand, Telstra services a large number of complex, highly customised enterprise, commercial and government contact centre organisations with its unique network architecture. The platform requires only an internet connection to provide an integrated network for contact centres to scale up or down and deal with sudden and unexpected changes in call volumes with ease.

This was demonstrated through an increase in the adoption and rapid deployment of Telstra Contact Centre Genesys Cloud when the COVID-19 pandemic hit clients across various sectors such as banking and finance, local government and transport. Where onboarding can sometimes take weeks, many call centres impacted by COVID-19 related volume changes and remote working requirements were able to deploy a fully operational cloud solution within 48 hours – or over a single weekend.

Christian Education Ministries is one such customer that was able to benefit from an extremely fast deployment and onboarding onto the platform during the pandemic. The system roll-out was completed in one week and the solution easily integrated with their existing ICT systems.

Telstra Contact Centre Genesys Cloud was the right solution as it enabled our entire IT and Finance team to work from home easily and answer queries from our customers and faculties effectively. Managing the call flow is now simple, and we can route the calls, transfer and queue them as needed, offering a better experience for our customers. Parents didn’t notice any difference in communicating with the school when restrictions were implemented. This helped us maintain parent and staff confidence during a period of big change,” said Craig McKeown, IT Manager at Christian Education Ministries.

Being an all-in-one cloud software solution, Telstra Contact Centre Genesys Cloud enables contact centre teams to work from anywhere and was instrumental in helping both existing and new customers achieve business continuity. Importantly, some Australian companies that previously offshored their contact centres were able to bring these jobs back to Australia to continue serving their customers when COVID-19 hit outsourcing locations hardest.

Mark Chapman, Product and Service Design Executive, Product and Technology at Telstra said, “We have built a valuable partnership with Genesys over many years to deliver easily scalable and simple end-to-end management of customer deployments. I’m proud to see our teams have jointly driven substantial business growth across the APAC region, especially in the past 12 months. It’s rewarding to see our all-in-one cloud contact centre solution help so many customers continue to deliver their customer support and business continuity in 2020.”

George Aprane, Vice President, Channels and Alliances, APAC at Genesys, said, “The high number of Telstra Contact Centre Genesys Cloud customers onboarded in just a few short years highlights our ability to successfully deliver cloud-based customer experience solutions and drive value for our joint customers. The Telstra and Genesys partnership demonstrates how we work seamlessly to deliver the best outcomes for all of our customers, as evidenced in our fastest deployments to date. With the ongoing development of the platform, we look forward to growing this partnership into the future.”

As a testament to the strength of this partnership, Telstra was recognised in February 2021 as the 2020 Asia Pacific Cloud Partner of the Year, for the second consecutive year. This accolade acknowledges the vital role partners play in the growth of the company’s business and service offerings.

Genesys remains steadfast in helping its partners grow and increase profitability by continually introducing programs to help them achieve greater success. The company currently has more than 200 partners in the Asia Pacific region, representing a mature and broad range of competencies to ensure successful deployments and superior support and service for its customers.

For more information about the Genesys Partner Network, visit: https://www.genesys.com/en-sg/partners/partner-network.


About Genesys

Every year, Genesys® delivers more than 70 billion remarkable customer experiences for organisations in over 100 countries. Through the power of the cloud and AI, our technology connects every customer moment across marketing, sales and service on any channel, while also improving employee experiences. Genesys pioneered Experience as a ServiceSM so organisations of any size can provide true personalisation at scale, interact with empathy, and foster customer trust and loyalty. This is enabled by Genesys CloudTM, an all-in-one solution and the world’s leading public cloud contact centre platform, designed for rapid innovation, scalability and flexibility. Visit www.genesys.com/en-sg

 ©2021 Genesys. All rights reserved. Genesys, the Genesys logo, Genesys Cloud and Experience as a Service are trademarks, service marks and/or registered trademarks of Genesys. All other company names and logos may be registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies.


About Telstra

Telstra is Australia’s leading telecommunications and technology company, offering a full range of communications services and competing in all telecommunications markets. Our purpose is to build a connected future so everyone can thrive. For more information visit www.telstra.com.


Media Contacts

Genesys APAC

Manali Pattnaik

Senior Public Relations Manager, APAC, Genesys


+65 8321 7924



Yvette Schlegelmilch

Account Manager, ZADRO


+61 423 954 224