Quality management calibration

A quality management calibration is a process used by call centre quality management teams to ensure consistency and accuracy in the evaluation of customer service interactions. The process involves regular calibration sessions where evaluators compare and discuss their evaluations to ensure they’re aligned with the organisation’s quality standards.

During a calibration session, the quality management team reviews a sample of customer interactions and evaluates them based on predetermined quality standards. The team then compares their evaluations and provides feedback to each other, identifying areas where evaluations might differ and discussing ways to improve consistency and accuracy.

The goal of the calibration process is to ensure that evaluators are providing agents with actionable feedback that’s aligned with the organisation’s quality standards. By regularly reviewing and calibrating evaluations, the quality management team can identify trends and areas for improvement in the customer service experience. Then they can develop strategies to address these issues.

A successful quality management calibration process requires effective communication and collaboration between the quality management team and other stakeholders in the organisation, including call centre agents and supervisors. It’s also important to have clear and consistent quality standards in place, as well as a well-defined process for evaluating and providing feedback on customer interactions.

Overall, quality management calibration is a critical component of a successful call centre quality management program. By ensuring consistency and accuracy in the evaluation of customer interactions, organisations can improve the customer experience, increase agent performance and drive business success.