Real-time adherence (RTA)

Real-time adherence (RTA) is a call centre workforce management process that allows managers to monitor and track agent adherence to their schedules in real time. This means that managers can view agent activity and performance metrics as they’re happening, and make adjustments as needed to ensure agents are meeting service-level goals.

RTA is a critical component of call centre workforce management because it allows managers to quickly identify and address issues that could impact service levels. For example, if an agent isn’t adhering to their schedule, managers can quickly intervene and make adjustments to ensure customer interactions are still being handled efficiently and effectively.

To effectively implement RTA, call centre managers must have access to real-time data on agent schedules, as well as tools for monitoring agent adherence and activity. This could include software systems that track agent log-in and log-out times, as well as metrics, such as average handle time, call volume and customer satisfaction.

In addition to monitoring and managing agent adherence, organisations can also use RTA to identify trends and patterns in call centre performance, and to optimise staffing levels and resource allocation. By using real-time data to inform decision-making, call centre managers can ensure their operations are running efficiently and effectively, and that customer service levels are being maintained at all times.

Overall, real-time adherence is a critical component of call centre workforce management, enabling managers to monitor and adjust agent schedules and activities in real time to ensure service-level goals are being met and customer satisfaction is being maintained.