Outbound Call Centre

An outbound call centre is a facility set up to allow call centre employees to make outbound calls to an organisation’s customers or prospects. This may be for market research, proactive customer service, sales, debt recovery or other purposes according to business requirements.

Critical components of an outbound call centre solution

The components of a comprehensive outbound strategy include:

  • Leveraging automated and agent-assisted outbound channels
  • Coordinating outbound communications across channels
  • Creating contact strategies with easy-to-use list and campaign management tools
  • Simplifying compliance with dynamic self-service rules builder
  • Capturing and maintaining customer preferences with an opt-in program
  • Integrating analytics to boost the effectiveness of campaigns and agents

Improve your customer service with an outbound call centre

Interacting with your customers using outbound proactive communications via the channel of their choice can improve customer satisfaction.

Customers can receive notifications and reminders via their communication channel of choice. This may include voice, text, social media, email and live chat. Organisations seeking a competitive advantage can differentiate their service offering as well as generating revenue by adopting outbound proactive communications.

How can Genesys help you establish an outbound call centre?

Genesys Outbound Interactive Voice Response (IVR) solution has the ability to personalise a customer’s interaction through voice biometrics and recognition technology.

Enhance your customer experience strategy with Genesys outbound call centre solutions by:

  • Growing sales revenue.
  • Providing customer self-service options.
  • Lowering inbound call requirements.
  • Connecting to customer service agents.
  • Maximising agent utilisation and reducing call abandonments.