Software as a Service (SaaS)

Software as a Service (SaaS) delivers centrally hosted software applications to customers through a web browser. A SaaS licence is usually purchased on a subscription basis.

Contact centres use SaaS to improve profitability and to give better customer experiences while keeping operating costs stable.

Moving to the cloud allows a business to reduce software and hardware support as well as maintenance costs. Contact centre executives have more time and resources to direct towards providing outstanding customer experiences.

Our cloud-based solution, the Genesys Customer Experience Platform helps businesses to deliver exceptional customer experiences and also to benefit from a reduction in the total cost of ownership.

The Genesys Customer Experience Platform offers:

  • The ability to reduce IT and support costs.
  • Enhanced contact centre performance.
  • Reporting and analytics, giving insights into the omnichannel customer experience.
  • Fast customised distribution.

Genesys can help your contact centre to reach its potential without costs increasing. Take a virtual tour now!