CCW guide

How to predict customer intent

Anticipate your customers’ needs — and provide a personalised experience

In this comprehensive how-to guide, you’ll learn:

• The importance of customer intent
• Tips on how to actively predict and understand it
• Solutions to effectively act on the most relevant customer data and insights

Only 14% of customers feel their brand experiences are personalised. Most brands struggle to distinguish themselves in the battleground for wallet share and customer loyalty. Those that succeed depend on one key differentiator — offering personalised experiences.

To deliver them, you must understand your customers’ behaviours, predict what they want and create tailored experiences. Recognising and predicting customer intent is the first step in delivering truly personalised experiences.

And it’s only possible when you collect, analyse and act on relevant customer data.

Get this essential guide to learn how to predict customer intent to better serve your customers — and stay a step ahead of the competition.