Create personalised experiences with Genesys Predictive Engagement

Use AI-powered insights to personalise and automate engagement

Experiences shouldn’t be stressful. But when customers are asked to repeat themselves, nearly half feel it’s too much effort. This can significantly increase the risk of churn and disloyalty. We take the stress out of these experiences and drive better customer service and sales results.

Genesys Predictive Engagement uses artificial intelligence (AI) to capture, qualify and proactively engage high-value customers or prospects with the right resources in the moment of truth. It improves conversion by identifying who, when and how to engage. And it automatically triggers the optimal action — whether that’s through an automated or agent-assisted chat/web message, or even a content offer that optimises business outcomes and improves customer experience.

Genesys Predictive Engagement also empowers digital and voice agents by providing them with customer insights and recommendations based on web visitor behaviour patterns. This helps them drive the best next step in the journey and serve customers with empathy.


Genesys Predictive Engagement

Each interaction you have with your customer presents an opportunity for you to personalise engagement and improve the customer’s experience — and personalisation begins with knowing your customer. Genesys Predictive Engagement analyses customers’ web behaviour and identifies whom to engage, when to engage and how to engage. It then proactively triggers the precisely timed action using bots, agent messaging or live agents to drive the best next step in the customer journey.


  • Listen to your customers
  • Understand and predict intents
  • Act with predictive and automated personalisation
  • Learn as you gather insights