Empower agents in real time with conversational intelligence and generative AI

Genesys Agent Assist

Contact centre agents are facing more complex queries with higher customer expectations and increased pressure to resolve calls. And they’re doing this while working remotely without being able to turn the call over to a more experienced peer, if needed. These issues create agent frustration and negatively affect customer experience outcomes. Genesys Agent Assist uses artificial intelligence (AI) to automate information and repetitive tasks, enabling agents to meet escalating demands.

Integrated Genesys Knowledge provides the AI-enabled knowledge base that’s used for manual smart search and to deliver in-context, relevant information automatically during the conversation. Agents provide feedback that’s used for better conversational intelligence. Administrators have easy-to-use tools for creating knowledge and gaining new conversational intelligence. Agents can also take advantage of canned responses and other answer accelerators.

AI is also used to automate repetitive tasks. For example, generative AI is used to automatically summarise conversations, reducing a process that typically takes one to three minutes down to seconds. Task automation reduces the after-call work for agents, increasing agent efficiency while ensuring process consistency.

Solution overview

When an agent interacts with a customer, Genesys Agent Assist offers potential answers to customer questions. Agent Assist uses the assigned knowledge bases created through Genesys Knowledge to provide responses to customer inquiries. In addition to information, Agent Assist automates call summaries using generative AI to reduce after-call work. This automation standardises data capture, providing a richer source of insight for supervisors and administrators.


  • Improve first-call resolution and reduce after-call work.
  • Use real-time, contextual information to answer difficult questions.
  • Easily enable without the need for IT or custom development.
  • Automate repetitive tasks like conversation summaries.