Executive Brief

Navigating Customer Service Transformation in 2020 and Beyond for the Financial Services Industry

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Prior to Covid-19, the financial services industry was already evolving at an astounding rate, positioned at the forefront of technological innovation in the private sector. Yet, the pandemic brought the world into unchartered waters, catalysing digital transformation. Featured during a recent virtual panel session hosted by Genesys and FST Media, financial services representatives from leading organisations across Asia-Pacific addressed the customer service transformation lessons learned while adapting during a year of uncertainty and upheaval.

Read the brief to learn about the key takeaways of the discussion centred around-

  • Customer service revolution catalysed by the crisis
  • The importance of “leadership readiness”
  • The role of technology in the transition to a new reality

“The role of the financial services industry to use our reach, our capability, our products and our expertise to be a force for good during times of trial is actually really important.”

Jason Lock, Westpac NZ