Gartner® research report

Predicts 2024: AI’s Impact on the Employee Experience

Key recommendations for leaders implementing and optimising AI within their workforce

Gartner report notes that, “92% of employees say they want AI to help them with administrative tasks and to summarise information on a particular topic.

AI is enabling organisations to assist employees in real time with context-driven insights; automate simple tasks; and analyse and predict outcomes. However, to ensure effective implementation of AI, leaders must establish a clear plan on how AI will be integrated, provide ongoing training and build a rigid ROI to understand value.

Read the latest Gartner report to discover the key impacts of a new age of everyday AI, and how to build a robust AI strategy with a clear path for true operational transformation.

You’ll also get insights on:

  • How to leverage AI to improve employee efficacy
  • Key AI trends and workforce implementation recommendations
  • AI regulations, policies and how to navigate data privacy laws

Gartner, Predicts 2024: AI’s Impact on the Employee Experience, Matt Cain, Stephen White, Nicole Greene, Christopher Trueman, Anushree Verma, Suzanne Schwartz, 9 January 2024

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