Customer interview


Learn about this financial services company’s incredible digital transformation

Through digital transformation, Rabobank has pioneered conversational banking by leveraging Genesys Cloudâ„¢ capabilities. Believed to be the first in the Dutch financial services market, this unique conversational banking strategy was born from a determination to put Rabobank customers and employees first.

To deliver this innovative strategy, Rabobank migrated 15,000 agents across more than 80 departments from Cisco and the Genesys EngageTM on-premises solution. Now running on Genesys Cloud, the Rabobank contact centre is significantly more resilient and agile. The move has reduced costs and risk so the bank can deploy new departments, channels and features at will — speeding innovation to customers faster than its competitors.

Customer story highlights

  • $2.2 million savings in hardware and IT staff costs
  • Reached over 90% in customer satisfaction across digital channels
  • 45% of inbound questions now answered by virtual assistants
  • 25% productivity gain with asynchronous web messaging
  • Accelerated feature deployment, from four weeks with on-premises systems to days
  • Increased employee job enrichment and personal growth