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This blog post was co-authored by Genesys Technology Partner, Survey Dynamix.
Capturing customer feedback is a critical tool for any business. And giving feedback should be an equally important tool for the customer. Feedback enables businesses to understand where they can improve; quickly actioned feedback is a crucial step in the customer service process. This post addresses some ways to use a customer survey tool to get the most benefit for the customer and business.
Survey Channel
Customers have an ever-increasing variety of options when it comes to contacting a business: phone call, email, webchat and social media. For a social media-savvy customer who’s familiar with the tools available, they’re likely to reach out for assistance via a social media channel. For non-urgent inquiries or when a busy person needs help, email is a good choice.
When these inquiries are completed and feedback is sought, it’s much more likely that a customer will provide feedback if they feel the process is an extension of their original inquiry. So, it makes sense to send an email survey after an email inquiry, transfer the caller to a voice survey after a phone call, etc. Offering the customer a choice during the original inquiry can encourage a customer to participate in the survey too — not only because it’s in his or her preferred channel, but also because the choice has already engaged that customer in the process.
Keep It Personal and Relevant
Surveys should be personalized and contextually relevant to customers to make them feel as though it’s an extension of their original inquiry. Greeting the customer by name and referencing the subject and potentially the outcome of their original inquiry, are simple but effective ways to engage the customer in the process. This also makes them feel as though the survey is designed to help them, not just the business asking the questions.
A fully integrated survey solution should make use of all available information about the customer’s inquiry to fully personalize and contextualize the survey. Some examples include:
Keep It Short
When offering a survey to a customer, be respectful of their time and consider that they’ve contacted your business for support. They’ve already spent their precious time on this. Consider, for example, how long the customer has been on the phone and tailor your survey accordingly.
Prioritize your questions and place the most important ones toward the beginning of the survey to gain the most useful insights. For example, if a customer spent 30 minutes getting her inquiry resolved, you could reduce the questions you ask to one, and acknowledge this experience with the customer:
“We can see you have just spent a considerable time getting your issue resolved. We hope that the time spent was needed to fully resolve your issue. We would like to just ask one question today: Have we fully resolved your inquiry?”
Take Action
A very important aspect of asking customers for feedback is your willingness and readiness to act when that feedback has been provided. A well-designed survey should reveal feedback that warrants immediate action — your survey solution should provide the tools to enable this.
Acting on customer feedback gives your business the best chance to turn a negative experience into a positive one. It also reinforces to the customer the importance of the customer feedback process.
If other customer demands inhibit your ability to follow up on all negative feedback, use the tools available in the survey platform to prioritize the additional actions based on other factors, such as the relative importance of each customer to your business.
“Thank you for your feedback; we can see from your responses that you’re unhappy. We’d like the opportunity to talk to you further about your feedback. Would you consent to one of our specialist customer service agents giving you a call back?”
Integration and Personalization
Survey Dynamix provides a customer survey solution in which customers provide feedback through a variety of different channels, including inbound voice IVR, outbound voice IVR, email, web and SMS. Our integration with the Genesys® PureCloud® application gives Survey Dynamix full visibility of every conversation in the contact center. And our powerful and simple-to-use rules engine enables you to decide who, when and how to contact your customers for feedback.
When you contact your customers through Survey Dynamix, you can easily personalize the survey, ensure it’s relevant to the customer and tailored to the circumstances of their inquiry. Decide what questions to ask and how dynamically using preconfigured survey rules and information available from the PureCloud app.
Survey Dynamix provides a powerful trigger/event system that enables dynamic survey flow, instant notifications of important customer feedback through a variety of notification methods, and many other useful outcomes. Survey Dynamix not only provides the tools to capture customer feedback in the most effective way, but to also ensure that you’re taking immediate action to delight your customers.
To learn more about Survey Dynamix, please visit their app listing on the AppFoundry marketplace or watch their webinar on-demand at your convenience.
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