Reporting issues with the previous software make it difficult to compare it to the current platform. But contact center staff report warm call transfers have improved the overall customer experience. Calls are no longer dropped during routing. They’re correctly routed according to user status, which also boosts customer satisfaction by decreasing call handling times and removing unnecessary frustrations.
With the new contact center software, the improvements will keep coming because management now has a 360-degree view of interactions. Localsearch will use those insights to ensure its team has everything it needs to quickly resolve client queries.
And because Genesys Cloud integrates with Salesforce, both the contact center and sales teams’ calls and notes are loaded into Salesforce automatically. All work groups now have a full view of client interactions — allowing the digital marketing service to provide better support during the pandemic. This integration meant the team could pass context across the organization, ensuring data was freed from silos. They had quick access to relevant information that was even more essential in the midst of a pandemic.
Greater efficiency despite volume increases
As the Localsearch contact center adjusted to working under lockdown restrictions, it also managed a significant surge in call volumes. The surge was a result of its customers navigating COVID-19 restrictions and changes in business conditions.
Throughout March and into May, call rates doubled and then almost tripled. The volume was absorbed effortlessly, said Mandelkow. “Everything scaled as it was designed to — and that’s a great story.”
Localsearch can now facilitate conference calls from home or office workstations, rather than meeting rooms, which led to the right people being included. This streamlined communication at a critical time, generating better customer experience outcomes and stronger relationships between departments.
Near real-time reporting
Because of the recent implementation of Genesys Cloud, Mandelkow’s team also received valuable data in almost real time. Contact center managers could download call recordings quickly and produce reports at individual, team and group levels. Prior to moving to Genesys Cloud, Localsearch had no real-time or even accurate reporting from its contact center.
Now it can configure dashboards in minutes with parameters and filters. The company can also export data into a business intelligence database and build its own reports and wallboards. That’s because Genesys has embraced open APIs and packaged integrations to give its customers as many options as possible to use their data and enhance their businesses.
“Before Genesys Cloud, we had limited visibility of our agents,” said Mandelkow. “The metrics were limited and inaccurate. Also, there were only basic metrics available at the end of the week. It was awful. Now, we can see all the numbers change in real time as we answer the calls.”
Next, Localsearch wants to enable data dips into Salesforce, allowing the data from the platform to influence how calls are handled and routed, and also to feed outbound dialing campaigns.