Migrating with ease
From a shortlist of three vendors, TCC chose the Genesys Cloud platform for its agility, simplicity and security. “Our goal is to continually create amazing experiences, so customers return to buy in store,” said Ervin. “Not only by flagging fantastic offers to upgrade or save money, but also by making life easier and more convenient. To do that, we needed a proven all-in-one solution like Genesys Cloud.”
Carefully planned with a phased approach, the migration was seamless — and costs were offset by savings from old system retirements. Users were trained and up-to-speed within a couple of days. Now, the contact center has greater control and more opportunities for innovation. Previously, three IT specialists provided support. Now, 90% of tasks are handled internally; specialists are only called in to help with complex changes. Outbound is a good example of this.
“By adapting the preview dialer in Genesys Cloud, we eliminated the need to hang onto calls to leave messages,” said Ervin. “Now, the system automatically steps in right before the call goes to voicemail, releasing the advisor for the next call. This has been massive for us. We’ve achieved a 20% performance improvement with 10% less agents.”