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Personalise experiences across sales, marketing and service

With customer insights from Genesys CloudTM and Adobe Experience Cloud

The global leaders in cloud contact centre software and digital experience have united to end the silos in sales, marketing and service — providing customer context to each brand interaction.

Now companies can proactively personalize engagements and identify the optimal conversion path by unifying profiles and assigning customer experience attributes across channels. With the Genesys and Adobe partnership, businesses can better listen to customers, understand and predict their behaviors, and then act and learn by combining digital event and real-time data.

Genesys Cloud and Adobe Experience Cloud: Gain real-time customer context

Genesys and Adobe show you how interactions shape a customer’s journey so you can deliver empathy at scale and grow brand loyalty.

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Personalise with customer insights

Personalise each engagement in real time by using Genesys Cloud to bring in select customer experience data from Adobe Experience Cloud, such as campaign information, demographic data, product transaction history, product holding and lead status information.

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Visualise customer journeys

Use attribution modeling to put each action in context with cross-channel analysis. With Adobe Customer Journey Analytics and Genesys Predictive Engagement, you can recognise the impact and sequence of each touchpoint along the customer journey – inside and outside the contact centre.

Ground your customer relationships in understanding

Better engage customers and increase their lifetime value with a unified profile.

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Deliver consistent experiences

By connecting sales, marketing and service interactions across channels, you can ensure that one business unit won’t “forget” the customer data gathered in another.


Personalise engagements

Link customers’ marketing and contact center history across channels with real-time intent — enabling individualised experiences and successful sales engagements. Orchestrate micro-targeted campaigns using Adobe attributes with Genesys segmentation.

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Improve campaign performance

Interact more effectively and improve omnichannel campaign conversion rates. Use insights from interactions, purchases, customer segments, interests and real-time intent to predict how and when to engage prospects — via web, phone or other channels.

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Grow customer loyalty and value

Visualise key unified customer information across sales, marketing and service, adding context to frame the conversation. This helps employees express empathy, troubleshoot issues, up-sell, cross-sell and improve key performance metrics.

Learn more about the Genesys and Adobe alliance

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Genesys and Adobe personalise experiences across departments

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Harmonizing marketing and contact center data

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Connect the dots with Genesys and Adobe

Get started with Genesys and Adobe

Turn everything you know about a customer into a single profile across marketing, sales and service to build personalised engagements, successful campaigns and loyal customers.
Just fill out this form and we’ll help you get started with Genesys and Adobe Experience Platform.

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