Data Tables for the Genesys Cloud® platform provides low-cost database tables that are accessed from the Genesys Cloud IVR. Typically, your IVR reaches out to an external system to retrieve data and make informed routing decisions based on it. With Data Tables for the Genesys Cloud platform, the solution acts as a back-end storage system from which the Genesys Cloud IVR retrieves and updates data.
Easy administration
This Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud-hosted app includes a simple administrative interface to manage storage and administration. Creating or updating a table is as simple as uploading a file. Data Tables stores data directly from a CSV document into a cloud-hosted database. When the database is no longer needed, it can be removed through a few simple clicks.
Quick implementation
Data Tables for the Genesys Cloud platform is a prebuilt, cloud-hosted, Genesys Professional Services application that you can quickly add and set up in your Genesys Cloud organisation. This reduces the burden on IT—eliminating the need to build out and maintain your own solution.