Web-based ad-hoc reporting and analytics solution
Improve contact centre performance and make fact-based decisions with relevant information and business perspective across all channels, when and wherever you need it, to act quickly and confidently. Genesys Interactive Insights provides intuitive, self-service access to business information and enables informed and rapid decisions based on reliable business data.
Interactive Insights enables contact centre operations to gain rich business insights with the ability to look at historical trends and perform root cause analysis. It helps provide unified multi-channel communications and visibility into other service-delivery data via a single interface. Interactive Insights provides drill down and root cause analysis capabilities and the business intelligence you need across every customer channel with less dependence on IT.
Customised metadata layer (universe) to fit Genesys Info Mart
Info Mart is the data repository for Genesys omnichannel interaction data. Interactive Insights analyses all interaction business data and integrates with Info Mart.
To save time and resources, and make querying easier, Genesys built a metadata layer (universe) to describe Info Mart. Info Mart organises large volumes of detailed cross-channel data from the Genesys Customer Experience platform.
Info Mart includes Extraction, Transformation, and Loading (ETL), star-schema database, high availability, and summary and aggregated tables. It’s performance tested–to millions of calls per day (Genesys internal testing).
The interaction history is enriched at a detailed level with routing data. This sophisticated capability helps customers in the short term to avoid building their own ETL, summary, and aggregation layers; gather business requirements to create reports and customise metrics; and troubleshoot for speed, reliability, redundancy, and accuracy. It also helps customers to remain agile as business requirements evolve, requiring updates and upgrades to their in-house solution and look for maintenance support.