Genesys Self-Service

Genesys Self-Service


  • Management options including self management or Genesys-managed
  • Premise, cloud and hybrid deployment options
  • Personalised and predictive IVR for improved customer experience
  • Higher self-service rates
  • Lower agent costs
  • Improved interactions utilising CRM data
  • Carry context between channels


  • Business-centric analytics
  • Multi-language speech recognition and natural language support
  • Single tool option for IVR and routing configuration
  • Simple, point-and-click call flow design and management
  • Unlimited scalability
  • Open, standards-based platform
  • Carrier-grade, multi-layered management

Self-service challenges

Consumers need and want to interact with your company. On the flip side, you want to engage with them in cost-effective ways while providing a good—ideally great—customer experience. Enter the IVR: the first touchpoint of many customer interactions.Yet, the interaction channel with the worst reputation, and the one that typically gets the least amount of attention, is the IVR.

Due to the presence of expensive, cumbersome older technology and competing IT priorities, IVRs often sit untouched and unchanged for years—so you miss a critical opportunity to improve, much less optimise, your customer experience. Despite the predictions of demise for the phone channel, customers are still regularly picking up the phone and calling companies.

Lack of visibility limits your ability to improve self-service

Many companies do not have the analytical tools they need to monitor and enhance their IVR. Many IVR systems can be a black box for business line managers who must depend on consultants or internal IT resources to make changes and provide reporting. Without tuning and monitoring tools at their disposal, your company has no visibility into the success or failure of customer interactions in the IVR, and no way to determine what changes are needed to
improve both customer experience and business process efficiency.

Reducing cost and providing a better experience requires flexibility

Like most companies, yours is under pressure to lower costs while simultaneously handling an ever-increasing number of calls. But a major challenge is that your current IVR platform simply does not have any flexibility. A flexible platform allows you to add options or make changes quickly. The result: an increase in
automation rates and first call resolutions correlating to decreasing costs and improving customer experiences.

Genesys self-service

Genesys makes it possible to exceed your customers’ expectations and turn your IVR into a positive experience. With our self-service options, we provide you the ability to:

  • Reduce your costs through increasing automation rates
  • Provide optimal self-service omnichannel customer experiences
  • Enable the business (instead of IT) to have operational visibility and control of the IVR


Genesys Self-Service can meet the IVR needs of all companies from small businesses through the large enterprise. With Genesys, you have unparalleled flexibility of deployment options, management choices and tools at your disposal. Genesys can build and deploy a simple, straightforward IVR application in a matter of days—or tackle the most sophisticated and complex applications in the world.

Business-user tools

Many companies treat their IVR application like any other technology that needs to be managed. However, unlike many systems that IT owns, the IVR is customer facing. Not only that, but the IVR serves as a critical touchpoint for customers when they need to contact your company. With Genesys Self-Service, your business users control the IVR applications. It is no longer necessary to know how to code VXML in order to make updates and changes to your IVR. Through intuitive drag-and-drop or point-and-click selections, any business user can truly own and manage their IVR.


Genesys solutions don’t stop there. Analytic tools provide deep business insights into the success and often times more importantly, the failures of callers in the IVR. These business-centric reports enable you to quickly identify changes in caller requests or behavior—and since it is easy to make updates to the IVR—you can quickly change the IVR application as needed.


With Genesys, you have the flexibility to build and manage your own IVR applications with our infrastructure or to have us build, deploy and manage your entire IVR application. Either way, you take advantage of years of IVR design expertise in building and deploying applications and effectively automating tasks to help you provide a great customer experience.

Independent or unified solution—your choice

Genesys Self-Service solutions stand completely on their own and there is no need to use other Genesys technology. But the same tools that your business users can use to create and control their own IVR applications are the very same tools they can also use to handle all of their routing. When paired, these are powerful capabilities on a single platform allow you to manage end-to-end customer interactions.

Today, a good IVR will have some level of integration with a CRM or other backend system to provide a degree of personalisation. A great IVR—one that Genesys can deliver—will not only provide a personalised and predictive experience for your callers, but the IVR will carry context from other channels into the call experience. Similarly, if a caller ends a call and switches to another communication channel, the context of the conversation is not lost, and the customer
can pick up right where they left off in the IVR. Furthermore, Genesys can help extend your company’s engagement with your customers through outbound IVR. No other company can provide such a complete and comprehensive omnichannel experience for your customer as Genesys can.

Self-service results using genesys

Genesys customers realise significant results with our self-service solution including:

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Reduction in live agent calls

↓ 80%

Increase in automation rate

↑ 10% with $1.5M saved annually

“Intelligent” IVR reduced average agent talk time

↓ 40%

Exceed your customers’ expectations—give them a great ivr

The often-forgotten IVR offers tremendous ROI. By providing personalized and predictive interactions, customers will gravitate to self serving in the IVR. The result: valuable cost savings for your company while simultaneously improving the customer experience. And customers will love it. Genesys customers have revamped their IVR so effectively, their customers now call in specifically to say how great an experience they had in the IVR. Imagine—compliments on your IVR. Let Genesys transform your IVR today

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