Enterprise IVR

Enable Exceptional Customer Experiences and Empower Business Users with Cloud IVR

Enterprise IVR

Key Features

  • Web-based design tool, Enterprise IVR
  • Visual summary of call flows
  • Connections to external web services
  • Analytics with pre-defined dashboards and visualiations
  • Embedded survey solution
  • Speech recognition with custom, dynamic grammar, and Natural Language Understanding support
  • Recorded IVR interactions
  • Multiple user-level administration


  • Eliminates costly voice infrastructure purchases and maintenance
  • Puts the business in control of the customer experience
  • Delivers actionable analytics for continuous improvement of customer experience
  • Easily scales and is reliable

It’s Time to Modernise Your IVR

Genesys Enterprise IVR is the Genesys cloud IVR product delivered through Designer, a drag-and-drop customer experience design tool.

Traditional IVR platforms are clunky, cumbersome, and typically deliver poor customer experiences. Usually, to update an IVR application, your staff submits a request to the IT department or an outsourcer responsible for managing the application. Several costly weeks or months later, the change is, at long last, implemented. Not only are these long turnaround times unsustainable, but they directly hinder your organisation’s ability to adjust to changes in the business.

It doesn’t have to be this way. With Enterprise IVR, you’ll use a combination of speech recognition and customer data to transform the IVR experience into dynamic personalised interactions. With this modern, scalable IVR platform in the cloud, you can completely overhaul your organisation’s IVR experience.

Download the IVR Playbook.

Give Business Users Control

IT juggles many responsibilities. They manage both internal- and external-facing applications. When IT resources are stretched thin, updates to the IVR can fall down the priority list.

This is a problem for business users, whose objective is to react to business changes and improve the customer experience. When business users control the management of their applications, cycle times can be reduced dramatically. For instance, give the business control to play a special message in the IVR following the launch of a new product. The time to update the message is just a matter of minutes. Enterprise IVR delivers this capability.

Continuously Improve Your Customer Experience with Enterprise IVR

Today’s reality is that the customer experience is not static. Your organisation introduces new products launches new sales promotions, and customer preferences change. It’s smart to consider the capabilities Enterprise IVR offers your business to keep up with changes while delivering best-in-class customer experience.

Delivering the best experiences is possible only if you can constantly monitor what’s happening with your customers as they interact with your IVR. With analytics and data visualisation delivered by Enterprise IVR, you’re able to fully grasp what’s happening and what you should update or improve. The combination of actionable analytics with a tool that facilitates rapid updates results in continuous improvement to your IVR and the resulting customer experience.

Need help? Genesys can assist you with both the design and continuous improvement of IVR applications with in-house experts located around the globe.

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Technical specifications


  • Web-based thin client flow design tool
  • Supports multiple languages Business Controls
  • Toggle emergency flags on and off
  • Configure business hours and special days
  • Control IVR flow and behavior in real time from internal “data tables”


  • Pre-defined dashboards and visualisations
  • Reports on business specific data including calls, duration, milestones, activities, and dispositions
  • Trouble shoots and tunes data including call path, user inputs, and low-level session data
  • Filters to pinpoint calls that meet certain conditions


  • Supports multiple roles including business user and developer
  • Saves and publishes the application
  • Easily assigns dialed numbers to applications or removes them


  • Integrates with any front- and back-office applications to personalise engagement
  • Facilitates RESTful integration

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