Workspace Plug-in for

Improve agent productivity and customer experience

Workspace Plug-in for


  • Gain seamless interoperability for your agents using Genesys Workspace and
  • Avoid in-house interface development costs and time delays with quick deployment and an out-of-the-box plug-in

Key Features

  • Inbound/outbound voice, digital, intelligent Workload Distribution, SMS and social channels support
  • JavaScript with Apex package in
  • Open CTI-configured Visual Force page
  • Scripting to create or update existing interactions in Workspace
  • Apex classes incorporating SOQL and SOSL commands for interaction with
  • Support for Salesforce Business or Person Accounts

Integration leverages customer experience platform and applications

The Genesys® Workspace Plug-in integrates with the Service Cloud Console, enabling your agents to handle customer calls more quickly. Screen pops of customer records and click-to-dial outbound calling empower agents to smoothly interact with customers.

Speed call resolution and deployment

The Workspace Plug-in for provides out-of-the-box, open scripting that works with both Person Accounts and Business Accounts, leveraging your investments in Workspace and In addition, you can modify specific queries and field use to meet your needs.

When Workspace starts, agents are presented the browser view, creating automatic communications between the two applications. That makes it easy for them to use the capabilities of both apps. This seamless interoperability increases the call-handling capacity of your current agents.

Maintain current customer knowledge for agents

The Workspace Plug-in creates records of activity history automatically—as soon as interactions are completed—keeping activity history current. The plug-in writes a task that contains disposition and other interaction-related information, such
as attached data to, and applies it to the popped record. With this capability, your company improves their corporate memory of all customer interactions; agents can use that knowledge to improve the customer experience.

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Technical specifications

  • Interaction Workspace version 8.1.3 or greater
  • Service Cloud Console Integration Toolkit
  • Default or dynamic ports for communications; dynamic ports required for shared presentation resources such as Citrix
  • Apex classes with SOQL and SOSL commands to drive interaction
  • Synchronisation through tab actions to Workspace

Supported desktop OS

  • Microsoft Windows and selected browsers supported by


  • .NET Framework 3.5
  • VDI technology such Citrix XenAppTM compatibility

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