Transformation matches customers’ changing lifestyles

Four million customers, 280 branches and 3,300 post office outlets make Československa obchodni banka (ČSOB) one of the leading Czech banks. Keen to closely align business with their customers’ increasingly busy lives, they set about transforming client centres.

The primary aim was to improve forecasting to optimise agent efficiency, so the bank could meet peak demands without overstaffing. Making it easy for customers to interact 24/7 through their preferred choice of channel was another key objective.

A Genesys solution saw the bank virtualise their contact centres so staff anywhere can act as agents. Workload peaks are easier to manage, and agents are more productive and engaged. Customers are served quicker and spend much less time making transactions.


  • 30% reduction in service response times
  • 25% decrease in call duration
  • 10% and 18% increases in agent utilisation and productivity, respectively
  • 50% rise in planner productivity
  • 10% drop in staff costs
  • 5% reduction in TCO


  • Automate forecasting and planning for optimised contact centre efficiency
  • Meet and exceed customer expectation for 24/7 multichannel service
  • Provide better sales tools and job variety, for more motivated agents

With Genesys WFM, we’re able to combine key trends like call volumes and durations with factors like agent holidays and sickness, to the point where the accuracy of our forecasts constantly exceeds 90 percent.

Jakub Hlaváč, Senior Manager Client Centre Development, CSOB