
Offers new communication channels to improve customer service

Find out how the Istanbul Water and Sewerage Administration increased customer satisfaction with an optimised multichannel approach.

The Istanbul Water and Sewerage Administration (iSKi) supplies four million households with reliable water and sewer services. As the company became more customer-oriented, they focused on improving the quality of their service delivery, especially when it came to handling complaints and requests. However, a roadblock to their success was that their systems were highly fragmented.

They wanted to simplify communications by combining channels such as fax, SMS and email into a single infrastructure based around a centralised contact centre. Staff needed access to customer information during each interaction to enable them to resolve customers’ issues more quickly and efficiently. After considering competitive bids, iSki awarded the contract to Genesys.

Now when they receive email, SMS messages and faxes, customer information is captured and directed to the appropriate agents. Agents can respond to customer demands more quickly and accurately, which has increased customer satisfaction. Meanwhile, the comprehensive reporting Genesys provides allows managers to easily monitor how the contact centre operates and to make further improvements. “We are already seeing significant improvements in our operations and in the quality of service we are providing to customers. We think everyone should be taking advantage of the cost and service quality benefits we’ve seen,” said Mustafa Havan, Public Relations Manager at iSKi.


  • Reduced lost calls from 30% to 5%
  • Increased customer and staff satisfaction ratings
  • Ensure customers can contact company through their preferred channel
  • Fully integrated routing and handling of fax, email and SMS interactions


  • Improve customer service
  • Improve efficiency and effectiveness of customer interaction handling
  • Combine and integrate new communication channels

With the Genesys solution, customers can now contact us using the communication channel they prefer, and we can manage all those interactions to the same standard through a single infrastructure that is flexible enough to incorporate new communication channels as they emerge.

Zekai Hayrioğglu, Development Coordinator, iSKi