
Selects Genesys Voice Portal to support their business needs

As a leading mobile operator Jawwal is always looking to innovate. Taking customer experience to the next level meant replacing IVR functionality that was limited and hard to integrate with back-end systems.

Switching to the Genesys Voice Platform allowed Jawwal to take control of services in-house. Now, the company’s ingenious developers use Genesys Composer to rapidly create self-service tools.

Voice applications are deployed 50% faster, saving money and freeing up resources to focus on other tasks. More customers self-serve than ever before, while staff satisfaction is up by 80%.


  • 40% increase in customer self-service levels
  • 80% improvement of employee satisfaction
  • 70% reduction in technical faults


  • Improve customer service
  • Reduce administration overhead

We want to enhance the customer experience more and more at Jawwal, and Genesys gives us the means to do that.

Eyad Nabhan, Head of the Integration and Development Department, Jawwal