Lyreco Group

Building the business around customers

One of the world’s leading retailers for office supplies and workplace products, Lyreco Group, is a thriving €2 billion business with 9,500 employees, nearly 2,000 of whom are in France. Set to grow to 800 agents across 25 contact centres, these global operations involve 17 subsidiaries around the world.

Customer experience is the foundation of performance at Lyreco. To stay ahead of the curve, the company has embarked on an in-depth modernisation of its contact centres. The project is part of a global process to reinforce the quality of customer relations, combining proximity, team commitment and best-in-class digital solutions. The goal was to simplify, personalise and support the buyer more effectively throughout their purchasing journey — from product selection to the delivery and management of their account.

Historically, sales and service functions were distributed with most customer interactions taking place over the phone. In addition to scheduling appointments for sales teams and channel distributors, agents confirm purchases and shipping details, provide product information, and help customers navigate the company’s website. However, Lyreco lacked a common approach for managing calls, reports and results.


  • 95% rate for customer satisfaction
  • 50% reduction in time to answer
  • 100% tracking for interactions
  • Unified roadmap for 25 global contact centres

We can do things we couldn’t do before — like switching traffic between sites, routing calls to the most qualified agent and improving follow-up action along the customer journey.

Project Leader, Customer Care Department Lyreco

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  • Inability to support long-term growth
  • Inefficient workforce performance
  • Unable to share skills, knowledge and resources between subsidiaries