Mairie de Vincennes

Aligns public services with customer expectations

The Mairie de Vincennes provides a wide range of public services. And, as taxpayers, their customers expect short wait times, discreet surroundings and professional staff who respond quickly and effectively.

Meeting these service promises was tough, especially when there was no common platform to manage telephone inquiries, email traffic and requests that came through the website and other channels. So, citisens frequently had to travel to several offices, sometimes to produce the same documents at each.

Genesys helped identify more than 70 different customer journeys, maximise process efficiency and optimise the use of of 22 agents. Now, requests are handled in standard, easy-to-track ways. Managers can assess individual agent and service performance based on real-time statistics. And the team smoothly absorbs peaks in activity.


  • Citizen needs fulfilled via a central point, saving travel time/expense
  • Better all-round experience with faster service
  • Performance tracked and measured using real-time statistics
  • Greater opportunity for agents’ personal development


  • Complex administration
  • Long wait times
  • Tied-up municipal services

The benefits go way beyond what we originally anticipated. We can automate workflows and plan our resources more easily. So, queue times are shorter and customers are served sooner.

Laetitia Henry, Director of the Unique Welcome Centre, Mairie de Vincennes