From the very first call to comprehensive aftercare support, MSI Reproductive Choices UK (MSI UK) is committed to compassionate, high-quality services for all.
With rising call volumes, the charity’s on-premise telephony system was struggling to keep pace and lacked the resilience of a cloud solution. To ensure services could continue operating in a crisis, MSI UK was compelled to pay for a second disaster recovery site, which is now no longer required, resulting in a considerable saving for the organisation.
“Before 2021, our contact centre technology was all on-premises and limited in terms of features, integration and ability to leverage client data,” said Steph Canavan, Executive Director, Digital and Transformation at MSI UK. “We also experienced resilience and scalability issues with some incoming calls dropping out once volumes exceeded a certain number.”
“Our client care coordinators support and navigate critical and time sensitive access into our services, by scheduling appointments and completing assessments,” added Clare Aldridge, Head of UK Business Performance at MSI UK. “This is the first contact a client would have with our contact centre across all channels. Our aftercare team which provides post-operative support via a 24-hour phone line also forms a critical channel within our contact centre.”
Unlocking possibilities
With a firm digital-first approach, MSI UK scouted the market for a new cloud-based omnichannel solution. That search led to the Genesys Cloud platform and partnership with IP Integration.
“As a healthcare provider, we’re strictly regulated,” said Canavan. “So, knowing Genesys adhered to strict standards like ISO 27001 and was hosted from highly resilient AWS data centres in the UK was a win-win.”
Crucially, moving to the cloud smoothed the transition to remote working during lockdown when the MSI UK contact centre was operating out of one main site in Bristol and finding it challenging to recruit client care coordinators.