Nahdi Medical Company

Empowering the community pharmacy

Nahdi Medical Company is a leading Saudi Arabian retail pharmacy, and one of the region’s fastest growing companies—with stores in 125 cities and villages across the kingdom. In addition to dispensing medicine to the public, they play a pivotal role in educating communities through health awareness programs and disease prevention campaigns.

Central to this mission, the company’s Jeddah contact centre performs two core functions: assist customers with general inquiries and run outbound campaigns; and provide a helpdesk to support pharmacists and corporate and distribution centre users all over the country with their IT related issues and inquiries. But conducting those operations on a traditional contact centre infrastructure was proving difficult.

“Our on-premises solution was adding complexity,” said Ahmed Salem Bamohrez, IT Operations Manager at Nahdi Medical Company. “The admin effort involved in managing 15 servers was stretching our modest IT team. We also knew that achieving full redundancy and giving agents remote access so they could cover out-of hours would have meant significant investment. Running our contact centre in the cloud took all those problems away.”


  • Three days to install the cloud contact centre
  • Better customer experience with greater self-service choices
  • Improved call routing to best-placed experts with the right language skills
  • Reduced reliance on IT teams

Now the contact centre only accounts for 10% of my job, and we seldom receive trouble tickets. So, I can devote more time to other priorities like looking after our network and security.

Abbas Mirza, Senior Network and Security Consultant, Nahdi Medical Company


  • Improve customer and agent experience
  • Replace resource-hungry IT model
  • Accelerate innovation