Orange Business Services

Maximising a digital world market share

As customers shifted from wanting to own IT equipment to cloud-based contact centres Orange Business Services needed to be first to market with the best offer. This was made possible with the Genesys™ single omnichannel platform that was proven, fast to deploy and highly secure.

Now, Orange Business Services can meet any client request — from inbound, dialers and self-service to chat, email and social — and onboard them in record time. Clients also benefit from a superior digital customer experience and advanced features, such as multichannel routing, speech-enabled IVR and CRM integration.

Agents manage all omnichannel touchpoints from a single screen. So, customers don’t have to sit in a queue as long or repeat information. With simple dashboard reporting supervisors closely monitor service levels in real time, while customers can move to virtual models with agents working from different sites, or even from their homes.


  • Secured competitive advantage by being first to market with a superior offer
  • Manage all touchpoints from a single screen
  • Reduced deployment time from months to weeks
  • Improved experience for customers and agents
  • Saved costs


  • Create attractive value propositions for corporate clients
  • Maximise opportunities with a rapid go-to-market strategy


We’ve seen strong demand and have a growing pipeline for contact centre as a service with the Genesys platform.

Denis Bocharov, Business Development Manager, Orange Business Services