“We realised the only way to transform the experience was to stop being systems-led and become a data-led organisation,” said Sanna Sarvijärvi, Service Director at Pihlajalinna. “And that meant moving our contact centres to omnichannel and the cloud.”
A seamless and invisible transition
Supported by local IT partner Telia, Pihlajalinna considered various options before selecting the Genesys Cloud platform for its ease of use and strong routing and reporting capabilities. After careful planning, the actual switchover was completely invisible to clients and accomplished within a day.
“We soon realised that a basic lift and shift of our old routing setup wasn’t going to work in Genesys Cloud,” said Antti Hämäläinen, CC Service Support, Processes and Development Service Manager at Pihlajalinna. “Once we knew that, the migration went as smoothly as expected and we saw high user adoption straightaway. Compared to before, it’s also much easier to train and onboard new recruits.”
In an average week, advisors handle around 20,000 inbound inquiries. They enjoy greater work variety — swapping between calls and webchat conversations.
Empowering knowledge workers
With more integration possibilities than ever, Pihlajalinna wasted no time in connecting its Genesys contact centre and Salesforce CRM system.
“We always wanted an accurate 360-degree view of customer journeys in real time,” added Hämäläinen. “With Genesys Cloud, that’s exactly what we got.”