Provident Financial

Flexible contact centre helps lender change with the times

Provident Financial is an innovative UK personal loans business that’s seen its traditional door-to-door sales model threatened by the arrival of digital media.

But the company hasn’t hesitated to turn technology to its own advantage, using Genesys customer contact systems to help launch new online offerings and improve support to its traditional business.

The result is that the company is now able to reach new and existing customers more efficiently, saving money while enhancing customer service and improving staff retention.


  • Achieved target of answering 80 percent of calls within 20 seconds
  • Reduced contact centre costs by GBP £200,000 a year
  • Improved outbound contact rates by 40 percent


  • Maintain leadership in non-standard consumer lending
  • Expand business to new customer segments
  • Create new channels to market