What is a call centre?

A call centre is where an organisation handles customer telephone calls. Call centres typically use some amount of computer automation software and provide inbound and outbound interactions as well as voice-based self-service customer interactions.

What’s the difference between a call centre and contact centre?

A call centre, as its name implies, is used for handling customer calls. A contact centre is used to handle all types of contact points — from text messaging to email, webchat, phone calls and more.

How Genesys can help

Call centre software is a crucial component of a customer experience strategy. Connecting with your customers through their preferred channels of communication is necessary for modern call centre operations.

Genesys is the market leader in integrated customer service, enabling businesses around the globe to deliver on their brand promises. These call centre solutions optimise operations and deliver true omnichannel customer experience.

Genesys empowers an optimal customer experience strategy with next-generation call centre solutions, such as:

  • Automated quality assurance ensures a consistent customer experience at every touchpoint
  • Analytical tools improve front- and back-office efficiency
  • Workforce management optimises employee performance
  • Omnichannel integration scales your call centre into a modern customer service provider

An omnichannel engagement centre solution offers benefits, such as lower costs and higher revenue, plus customer experience advantages like shorter hold times, lower abandonment rates and a better Net Promoter Score.