What Is Predictive Dialling?

Predictive dialling is a method of making several automated outbound calls without using agents. Answered calls are then passed to agents. A computer makes dialling decisions based on certain algorithms to support business objectives.

Predictive diallers eliminate the need for agents to dial numbers manually, saving them time. When this technology was introduced, it was used mainly by the banking sector for debt collections. Over the years, many other types of business have adopted predictive dialling methods. Although predictive dialling began as a hardware solution, it has become a software as a service (SaaS) solution based in the public cloud.

How Genesys can help

Continuously improve your outbound communication performance with Genesys. The Genesys cloud-based dialler lets you optimise dial pacing and filter out unproductive calls. Deploy a software-only dialler — in the cloud, on-premises or in a hybrid configuration — for maximum flexibility.

With Genesys, you can customise campaigns using three different outbound dialler modes.

  • Predictive mode: Continuously monitors agent activities, collects statistics, and predicts future call traffic.
  • Progressive mode: Ensures there are never any “silent calls” for customers, while maintaining a steady work rate for agents.
  • Preview mode: Empowers your agents with customer information prior to dialling.

Learn how to continuously improve your outbound communications and customer engagement performance.