ContactBabel Report

The Inner Circle Guide to Omnichannel

The building blocks of omnichannel: 3rd edition


Non-telephony communication accounts for over one third of inbound interactions in UK contact centres, showing that the capability to handle both voice and non-voice communication effectively is vital for the industry: hence, omnichannel.

Voice interactions are forecast to decline slightly until 2024, although there is little expected change in the overall number of interactions. It is interesting to see that email is also expected to decline.

A question was asked to survey respondents from over 200 UK businesses about how each inbound channel will change, allowing us to judge if any alterations in the use of channels is due to real changes at a contact centre-level, or is more of a statistical blip caused by a different set of respondents providing data each year.

Read this report and discover the past, present and future of omnichannel.

Download the report
