White Paper

Employee Engagement – Not Just A Nice To Have

Today, it is rare to read HR or management press without some mention of employee engagement and why it is important. At this time of increasingly commoditised products and services, it’s widely recognised that engaged employees can have a significant impact on how customers view organisations and their products and services.

Yet although 90% of businesses think employee engagement is critical, only 25% think their employees are in fact engaged. Furthermore only 32.5% of all employees currently rate themselves as being engaged, meaning that, despite billions of dollars being spent annually in an attempt to increase engagement, a large majority of employees still don’t really care about the company (and probably not so much about its customers).

This whitepaper explores:

  • What Employee Engagement is all about
  • The current state and future world for Employee Engagement
  • Top tips to help you improve Employee Engagement in your organisation
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