Gartner Research Report

Getting Started with Technology for the Connected Rep

The connected rep strategy bridges technology and talent to support reps’ performance.

By 2026, customer service functions that implement a connected rep approach will improve contact centre efficiency by 30%.

Customer experience leaders today are investing in artificial intelligence-powered chatbots, voicebots and virtual assistants — all to enable self-service for customers.

But when interactions need a human touch and move to contact centre agents to assist, they need the right tools and context to efficiently resolve issues. It’s essential for customer service leaders to invest in technology that provides agents with relevant customer information and the ability to quickly respond across channels.

Investing in a strategy that combines talent and technology to better support the customer service representative is key.

Read the latest Gartner® report and we believe you will walk away with the insights you need to identify productivity gaps, build a connected rep strategy, and evaluate CRM and Contact Centre as a Service solutions to increase agent efficiency and speed.

Gartner, Getting Started With Technology for the Connected Rep,Steve Blood, Kathy Ross,21 June 2023
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We believe you’ll walk away with:

  • Three essential components of a connected contact centre agent strategy
  • The contextual insights needed for connected interactions
  • How to evaluate technology providers to ensure they can support a unified agent desktop