Practical guide to

Contact centre routing

Learn how to choose the right routing method for your organisation to boost efficiency, optimise KPIs and elevate your brand.

A memorable first impression is crucial, especially when it comes to customer experience. Despite significant investments in time, resources and contact center infrastructure, many organisations still struggle with the critical step of connecting customers to the right agents — the first time. This not only frustrates customers, but it also reduces employee morale.

But with the right contact centre routing strategy, you can seamlessly direct incoming interactions to the appropriate agents or resources, ensuring an efficient and satisfying resolution every time. From simple ACD methods to more sophisticated skills-based and AI-powered technologies, your contact centre’s routing capabilities can evolve as your business needs change. Some smaller businesses may be happy with basic ACD, while more complex organisations may want to explore the power of automated routing. And others may need a combination of multiple routing techniques.

Embark on a journey of informed decision-making with this comprehensive guide, designed to illuminate the wealth of routing options available to your organisation. Discover the strategies that resonate with your current and future needs and start optimising your contact centre today.

Explore how to:

  • Connect each customer to the best agent for the job
  • Use ACD to boost agent productivity and efficiency
  • Continually optimise operations with AI predictive routing