Gartner report

2021 Strategic Roadmap for Customer Service and Support: 10 Dilemmas

According to Gartner, application leaders for customer service must develop a three-year roadmap to deliver high-impact business outcomes and superior experiences.

Customer service centre have traditionally operated as cost centre — focused on resolving customer issues after the fact and mitigating disloyalty to protect revenue. But the paradigm has shifted.

Now, customer service and support centre are expected to deliver personalised, intelligent and effortless experiences — at scale — throughout the entire customer journey. And meeting these expectations requires you to rethink how to deliver seamless customer experiences in a digital-first world.

Get the full Gartner report to learn how to develop a three-year roadmap for delivering high-impact business outcomes and superior experiences. You’ll also get:

  • Steps to build a proactive customer service strategy and launch new channels
  • Tips to overcome 10 obstacles to delivering great customer service
  • Four strategies to differentiate your business throughout the entire customer journey

Download the Gartner report

Gartner roadmap report 3d ebook

2021 Strategic Roadmap for Customer Service and Support: 10 Dilemmas, Brian Manusama, Customer Service and Support Research Team, Magnus Revang, Bern
Elliot, Steve Blood, Nadine LeBlanc, Pri Rathnayake, Deborah Alvord, Jim Robinson, Emily Potosky, Sarah Dibble, Jim Davies, 27 January 2021.

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