Work automation and task routing

Connect your front and back office

With 60% of customer dissatisfaction originating in the back office, organisations can’t afford to have siloed data repositories for each back-office function — with no single source of truth and inaccurate, inconsistent reporting.

Make strategic business decisions easy

Genesys Cloud™ work automation and task routing integrates siloed applications from multiple back-end systems so that every customer request is handled within your promised SLAs. It combines the power of workflow automation and agent assistance to provide consistent end-to-end experiences. Make business decisions in real time with consistent data and a single source of truth. You’ll no longer have to rely on an admin manager’s “best guess” or manual tracking to ensure all customer support work is completed on time.


  • Meet and exceed your SLAs
  • Increase your operational efficiency through automation and proactive work distribution
  • Guarantee fair workload distribution
  • Improve CX through orchestrated end-to-end experiences beyond just interactions