Demo Webinar

Connect the dots with Genesys and Adobe

Featuring guest speakers from Adobe and IDC

Break down the data silos between sales, marketing and service for more connected customer experiences
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The events of 2020 changed the customer experience irrevocably. And 2021 is on course to do the same. Keeping up with customer expectations for personalisation requires creating truly connected experiences.

This all starts with the data your brand uses daily. Organisations must break down data silos between marketing, commerce, sales and service departments, ensuring every interaction is as seamless as possible.

Join IDC, Adobe and Genesys in this live webinar to learn how to:

  • Manage the rise of digital-first customer expectations
  • Eliminate data silos by integrating Genesys Cloud and Adobe Experience Platform
  • Turn data into actionable insights that deliver results
  • Enable more intelligent, individualised customer interactions

Meet the Speakers

Allan webber webinar image

Alan Webber
Guest Speaker
Program VP, Customer Experience

Sridhar jayakumar webinar image

Sridhar Jayakumar
Guest Speaker
Principal Product Manager

Dan arra

Dan Arra
VP, Sales
Genesys AI