Analyst Webinar

Webinar: Customer experience from a Nordic perspective

Hosted by IDC & Genesys

Customer experience from a Nordic perspective:
Efficiency and automation as drivers

Tomorrow’s business needs to take agility to the next level. On this level, they will be prepared to cope with pandemics and other radical changes affecting operations almost overnight. The purpose of a customer experience (CX) approach is to serve customers demands in the best possible way at the same time as running the best version of your business, no matter what your WHY is. As customer demands grow exponentially, your business needs to change repeatedly. Therefore, the need for more agility underlines the need for a customer experience (CX) approach driven by efficiency and automation.

In this webcast, IDC presents the latest research on customer experience and adds the Nordic perspective on technologies and CX solutions together with Genesys and Lowell Norway.

Webinar agenda

  • Why customer experience drives tomorrows business, Jan Horsager Research Director, IDC
    Nordic organizations might not start a customer experience revolution. But they are positioned to utilize digital determination and cultural abilities to turn CX into a vital business evolution moving forward.
  • How to drive business results by delivering exceptional CX through automation and efficiency, Joakim Skalberg Senior Principal Solutions Consultant, Genesys Nordics
    Delivering great customer experience is a way to stay ahead of the competition in today’s business environment. Joakim will answer the How. He will show you how a modern efficient contact center based on Cloud technology, which uses AI as an enabler for automation and digital self-service, will make your customers stay loyal to only you.
  • CX at work with Lowell in Norway, Carl-Petter Udvang Product Manager, Lowell
    Find out how Lowell achieved these results by moving to a cloud contact centre, focused on improving their efficiency and using automation to deliver better CX
    · 94% and higher average response rates
    · 35% increase in automatic identification on first contact
    · 25% reduction in average handle time
    · 90% or higher first call resolution
    · 20% boost in agent productivity

Meet the Speakers

Speaker joakim

Senior Principal Solutions Consultant,
Local Sales,


Speaker carl v3

Carl-Petter Udvang
Product Manager,

Lowell Norge

Speaker jan

Jan Horsager
Research Director

IDC Nordic