Gov News Direct – Webinar Series 2020

Maintaining Confidence With Your Customers & Citizens

Public Sector organisations have face a seismic shift in how they operate (The New Normal) and even more crucial, how they now manage customers, their experience and expectations. Those organisations that have excelled during the various stages of this pandemic and indeed, are well equipped to handle the next stages, prove to demonstrate agility at every stage of their customer management journey. Today’s leaning exchange will explore this very pertinent topic for the public sector as we discuss:

  • Migrating staff to a new way, an even smarter way of working
  • Citizen First: every call, online chat, social post and email counts
  • Essential vs Disruptive Technology: the omni-channel approach
  • Building trust and maintaining confidence with the ability to adapt when flexibility is necessary

Hosted by GovNews and in partnership with Genesys, the global leading Customer Experience company, we will facilitate a 1 hour knowledge exchange featuring public sector best practice, the direct insight from Ceredigion Council and Q&A opportunity for our attendees.

Our speakers for this session include: –

  • Mark Blanchard – Public Sector Director – GovNewsDirect
  • Jo Causon – Chief Executive – The Institute of Customer Services
  • Amy Pereira – Contact Centre Supervisor – Ceredigion County Council
  • Anna Gawthorpe – Customer Services Manager – Ceredigion County Council
  • Brendan Dykes – Senior Director – Genesys
  • Mark Caldwell – Public Sector Lead – Genesys