
Beyond Millennials: How Banks Can Prepare For The New Consumer

By 2020, customer experience is expected to become the key brand differentiator ahead of product and price, predicts research firm Frost & Sullivan. With the rise of millennials, who are hyperconnected, tech-savvy, fast-moving, with short attention spans, and known to value experiences, banks and financial services (BFSI) organisations are now emphasising on the need to serve them more efficiently.

For organisations engaging with millennials, or Gen-Zers, there is a growing trend to make a push into digital technology such as mobile apps, AI-based virtual assistance, chatbots and self-service branches.

Read this article to:

  • Understand the potential of engaging with the new consumer population
  • 5 key strategies on how organisations should be engaging millennials and planning for the new consumer
  • Industry insights into what BFSI organisations are doing now across Asia Pacific
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