As a larger percentage of contact centers move their agents to remote work, managers and supervisors are looking for ways to engage with their teams. A recent Nemertes research study surveyed 460 firms across 40 industries and found that 25% of companies moved agents to remote work as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. And, while many companies already had agents working remotely, the percentage of full-time agents working outside of the contact center reached 75% because of this shift.

Many companies are embracing this shift long-term, expressing that it’ll improve agent job satisfaction, reduce agent turnover rates and better position the company for the future, among other benefits. But for others, the viability of remaining remote in the future isn’t as certain. The same Nemertes study identified the difficulty with managing teams remotely and a decrease in performance as the biggest inhibitors to agents working remotely long-term. Companies must find a way to maintain a high level of performance and engagement while working outside of the traditional office settings.

Align Teams on Priorities with Public Performance Dashboards

Contact centers need to empower their agents with the right data. This doesn’t just mean using customer analytics to enable personalized interactions. That’s a given. This means using performance dashboards. Managers and supervisors need to be able to quickly create custom performance dashboards to share with their teams — no matter where they’re working.

Popular contact center dashboards display metrics like agent status, number of calls waiting in queue and longest interaction. The power of these dashboards comes from bringing visibility into team performance in consistent, easy-to-comprehend and actionable ways. By displaying performance metrics, in real time, you empower your agents to make decisions that improve individual and overall team performance. For example, knowing that there are many callers waiting in a queue, or few agents on queue at any given moment, can help an agent decide the best time to take a break. Therefore, this reduces the time callers wait to speak to an agent.

And when it’s time for performance reviews, public dashboards facilitate the conversations managers have with their team members by contextualizing performance within a team’s metrics and goals.

Create a Shareable, Custom Performance Dashboard in Minutes

With simple-to-use widgets and a variety of graphing and visual options, the Genesys Cloud™ solution lets you easily create custom dashboards of key metrics within your contact center, including traditional queue metrics across all media types, agent metrics and status, wrap-up codes (also known as disposition codes) and anything happening within your flows (e.g., how many callers are in the IVR). Learn how to do this with this two-minute tutorial.


When creating an effective performance dashboard for your team, think about incorporating this list of useful functionality, available with the Genesys Cloud solution.

  • Customize the metrics that appear in your reporting: There’s no one-size-fits-all list of metrics for all teams. Flexibly track what matters most to you.
  • Graphs compare performance over time or let you see what’s trending: With so much information available to you, easily identify valuable patterns in performance.
  • Visual alerts that quickly inform you when an area is under-performing or is tracking extremely well. If you’re aware immediately, you have the power to act on it in real time.
  • Personalize your dashboard to include text: The value of dashboards not only comes from numbers. Use them to communicate with your team about changes or achievements at any given time. Want to congratulate someone for a job well done? You can do that.
  • Privacy and filter: Choose whether you want to make a dashboard private or public. It’s as simple as clicking a button. “Favorite” the ones you use the most to filter and view quickly.
  • Permissions: Keep your team focused by choosing which roles or team members can create and edit, publish, or simply view performance dashboards.
Share Real-Time Insights with Your Team

With the Genesys Cloud solution, you can build your chosen dashboard once — in minutes — and share it with your team in seconds. With a unified, real-time view of performance you can keep your team motivated and working toward the same goal, even as you work remotely.

Learn more about analytics and reporting within the Genesys Cloud solution.