The red carpet. The spotlight. The acclaim and celebration of hard-earned success. It’s all happening at the 11th Annual Genesys Customer Innovation Awards, where we honor outstanding achievements in customer experience (CX) transformation.

Winners of these prestigious awards are showered with valuable prizes, such as full VIP treatment leading up to and at G-Force, speaking opportunities, and valuable face time with analysts. Honorees also earn global recognition of their CX successes—including press coverage, public accolades at G-Force 2016 in front of industry leaders, and professionally produced videos that showcase their companies as CX leaders.

Who will be next to join the ranks of these superstar award winners—could it be your contact center?

The big reveal happens Oct. 4–6, 2016, when honorees are announced on the main stage at G-Force Miami. Until then, no one knows for sure which organizations will nab these prestigious honors. But one thing is certain: The only way to have a shot at winning is to be nominated.

Starting today, you can submit your nomination and share how your company (or another Genesys customer) achieved a remarkable CX transformation. Nominations close on April 30, so act now, before it’s too late.

More Award Categories and Global Recognition

Important changes to the Genesys Customer Innovation Awards program expand not only the field of competition but the number of ways companies are recognized for their successes.

Instead of having a set number of winners in each region like in prior years, the program will now recognize excellence in customer experience around the world. This means winners will get to tell their stories on a global stage and reach a much wider audience.

In addition, we’ve added new award categories to acknowledge a broader range of company achievements and to honor contact center teams and agents who are on the front lines.

  • The CX Globetrotter honors the best global rollout of the Genesys Customer Experience Platform.
  • The CX Innovator is awarded to the company with the best omnichannel customer success story.
  • The CX Pioneer is given to the best new customer that’s breaking silos with a rapid deployment.
  • The CX Mover recognizes the best cloud customer migration and/or deployment.
  • The CX Champions is a team award for the best CX manager and CX team.
  • The CX Hero honors the best individual call center agent of the year.
  • The CX Ally goes to the customer with the most outstanding, long-term partnership with Genesys.
  • The CX Engager is for the company who has the best digital engagement success story.

Join the Ranks of an Elite Few

Genesys Customer Innovation Award winners are trailblazers of CX. They’re well-respected innovators and leaders in their respective markets. Take, for example, New York City-based Plated. The food delivery firm’s appearance on the entrepreneurial investor show Shark Tank brought a huge influx of new customers, and their contact center operations struggled to keep up with the demand.

Plated chose a cloud-based contact center solution and integrated it with their existing Zendesk platform. Leveraging ingenuity and flexibility, the company increased first contact resolution and created strong self-service options for customers.

“Success depends on our ability to scale to meet customers’ expectations, and we have a great partner in Genesys, who can turn things around on a dime and support this growth,” explained Nick Taranto, Co-Founder and CEO of Plated.

London-based Marks & Spencer also owns the distinction of a Customer Innovation Award. The multinational retailer needed a CX strategy for both its digital channels and its retail outlets. They selected an Omnichannel Engagement Center solution for their contact center.

“We completely replaced our legacy contact centers with a Genesys platform, using the entire Genesys portfolio across all channels and media,” says Ian Mahoney, Head of Delivery Services. “Now, for the first time, we’ve linked everything together for a single, 360-degree customer view.”

Nominate today!

Genesys is proud to bestow these awards to deserving businesses just like yours, and we’re honored to be a part of your customer experience metamorphosis. That’s why it’s important to submit your nominations to us by April 30, so you have a chance to spotlight your teams, your company, and your customer success.