There’s always a new buzzword popping up—screaming to be recognized as the next big thing that will solve all your problems. The call center is no different. Terms like omnichannel, speech analytics and self-service have become the vernacular at nearly every tradeshow, webinar and blog.
While some buzzwords are just noise, others will have long-term value to your company. So, how do you sort through the noise to be certain you hear what’s most important? There are a few methods to filter those buzzwords from valuable technologies.
- Pick one thing in your call center and do it well. Don’t reach for each new technology that comes out the minute it’s available to you. Adopt one new technology at a time and master it. Don’t spin up social monitoring for every single social platform at once, for example. Instead, pick technology and tweak your process until you have a well-oiled machine. Once you’ve got the hang of it, pick another one and repeat the process.
- Don’t over plan on infrastructure. Before Agile marketing became status quo, executives often labored over excruciating details for every little project and spreadsheet, refining projects ad nauseam. It’s now believed that a better approach is to make a strategic plan and release a first iteration, knowing you will refine the solution as you go. When introducing new technology, start with the low-hanging fruit—choose something safe, create something sensible and then release it to your team.
- Build with the future of customer experience in mind. There is a children’s song titled, “The Wise Man and the Foolish Man,” which tells the story of two men who build houses—one on the sandy beach and the other on the rocks. The song (no surprise) ends when the house built on the sand is washed away, while the house built on a rock remains untouched. In the contact center world, don’t build technologies on a platform that can’t withstand the waves of change. What you need today likely will look completely different a year from now. Choose an cloud-based call center architecture that stands up to change and evolves with customer expectations.
These are a few strategies to help your company determine the right call center solution for your needs today—and into tomorrow. To learn how PureCloud by Genesys can transform your company to meet evolving customer expectations. See a live demo at our weekly webinars.