When sales prospects call your company, their experience with the contact center platform determines if they become a customer. The right experiences will lead to revenue growth and customer loyalty, while the wrong experience leads to lost sales and customer churn.

Imagine if every caller was routed right away to the best agent to convert them to a customer. Now imagine if sales agents knew why every prospect was calling — before taking the call – and could tailor the conversation to best close the sale.

These are two of the strategies contact center’s now use to provide callers with personalized, relevant, and winning experiences. And they are made possible when the contact center and the marketing team work together, with marketing passing data about each caller in real time for the contact center to leverage.

This is why Genesys has partnered with DialogTech, a popular solution marketing teams use to track and analyze calls from their advertising and website. Using DialogTech, marketers know exactly what drives each call they send to the call center and that data is passed to Genesys so the call center can use it provide winning call experiences that lead to sales.

Interested in learning more? Here are the top 5 ways call centers and marketing teams can work together – using Genesys and DialogTech –  to provide great experiences that drive customer engagement and revenue.

#1 Pass Data on Callers to Sales Agents Before They Answer

Shoppers today don’t think of their experiences with your business as “online” or “over the phone.” They expect one consistent path to purchase no matter how they interact. And they won’t become customers if they go from a great online experience to a poor call center experience.

That’s why when prospects call, many businesses pass information on the caller and marketing source that drove the call to their sales agents before they answer. Knowing that a call is coming from a specific marketing campaign, keyword search, or page on their website helps sales agents anticipate a caller’s needs and deliver a more seamless, personalized experience to win the sale.

Businesses that use Genesys and DialogTech together can have that caller data appear inside the Genesys Workspace for agents to see:


#2 Route Each Caller to the Best Agent to Close the Sale

When shoppers call, they expect to get assistance and answers right away. It’s important to connect them quickly in conversation with the right agent with the right skillset to convert them to an opportunity or sale. To do it, businesses can use intelligence captured on each inbound call – including the marketing source, caller location and history, and day and time of the call – as signals to determine where each caller should be routed. For example, if you know a caller is calling from a specific product page on your website, route them right away to an agent with experience and expertise selling that product.

#3 Prioritize Your Most Valuable Callers

Long hold times are sales killers. It’s why contact centers are working with their marketing teams to ensure their most valuable callers are connected in conversation with sales agents right away. They have a priority queue where they place callers they believe have the highest purchasing intent and sales value, ensuring those calls get answered immediately. Some do this based on marketing source – with calls from search ads being the most common leads to get prioritized. But others do it based on a caller’s past history or the web page they called from.

#4 Ensure Call Centers Are Properly Staffed During Peak Times

When marketers know what advertising activities drive calls, they can anticipate times of higher inbound call activity. They can notify the call center in advance to ensure they are staffed properly to handle peak call volumes efficiently with minimum hold times.

#5 Marketing Can Generate More of the Right Callers

The beauty of the call center and marketing team working together is that the insights can be shared both ways. The call center can tell the marketing team which callers converted to customers and sales. Marketing will then know which programs generated the most revenue and can optimize their advertising programs to get more the most valuable callers calling. Everybody wins.

Want to learn more about the benefits of the contact center and marketing working together to drive revenue? Read more about DialogTech on Genesys AppFoundry here.

This blog post has been co-authored with Blair Symes. He is currently the Director of Content Marketing at DialogTech. Over the past 20 years, Blair has published hundreds of articles, white papers, eBooks, and blog posts and presented on dozens of webinars on a wide range of marketing topics, including marketing attribution, conversion optimization, and customer acquisition.

Join Genesys AppFoundry to welcome Blair and Emily from DialogTech as they give a deeper look during a webinar on Thursday, April 20th at 10 AM Eastern / 7 AM Pacific.